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Showing posts from October, 2007

Writing Matrix en Español para Rosario Blog Day

“Writingmatrix” es un proyecto originado por Vance Stevens quien convoca a docentes y a sus respectivos alumnos a utilizar blogs. Dichos blogs no tienen como fin realizar tareas de clase, sino escribir sobre el o los temas que realmente les interesara, y utilizar estos blogs como diarios en línea. Para hacer más interesante esta experiencia, Stevens convoca a participantes de distintas culturas. Poco a poco se fue armando un equipo de seis facilitadores de distintos países: Vance Stevens de Abu Dabi, Doris Molero de Venezuela, Sasha Sirk de Eslovenia, Rita Zeinstejer y, yo, Nelba Quintana de Argentina. Todos somos profesores de inglés familiarizados con las TICs. Con el fin de reunir participantes, envié una invitación a los miembros de la Comunidad Virtual de Inglés - EVC la cual modero desde 2001. A esta invitación respondieron personas de distintas edades, ocupaciones y niveles de inglés – oscila entre el pre- intermedio y el intermedio- pero con un mismo interés explorar la We...

Rosario Blog Day 2007

I am very pleased to announce a new Blog Day in Argentina! This time it will take place in the beautiful city of Rosario. The organizers are really hard working and I think it will be a very very interesting experience. More info Writing Matrix is present in its wiki at: (in Spanish)

Webmatrix in K12 Online Conference

" The 2006 K-12 Online Conference provided outstanding opportunities for free, collaborative, accessible professional learning for educators around the globe. The 2007 conference is shaping up to provide more exceptional learning opportunities in the same spirit of collaboration and sharing! This year’s fantastic line up of keynote presenters will create an inviting and welcoming introduction in which the sharing of ideas among diverse learners working in diverse contexts continues. These distinguished folks will not only extend the conversations, but also invite each of us to stretch and grow as they share their expertise and wisdom in their respective strands. We are delighted they have each agreed to accept their roles as keynote presenters." We are happy to participate in the K12 Online 2007 as presenters :Vance Stevens, Nelba Quintana, Doris Molero, Sasa Sirk, and Rita Zeinstejer “ Motivating Student Writers by Fostering Collaboration through Tagging and Aggregating” htt...

My first Meme (pingback and trackback)

When did I start using Internet? I think it coincides with the economic change in Argentina ( 1 peso = 1 dollar) in the late 90's. I started using e-mailing. I have friedns and family living abroad or in other cities, and they usually complain about the fact that I am pretty lazy for writing letters and going to the post office. So, e-mailing was a solution for me. A really turning point took place in 2001 when I was invited to an on line course on " How to evalute websites" carried out by another Argentinean - Prof. Norma Scagnoli- working at the University of Illinois. She introduced me into the virtual world and there I met one of my dearest cyberfriends: Prof. Dafne Gonzalez. From that moment my virtual life started. I bagan exploring the net and that same year I opened my firs e-group: English Virtual Community. My first steps on the Internet were really awful. I used to have dial up connection, so my experience was a bit poor. I could not spend much time on line and...

Can't stop blogging

The more I surf, the more tools I find for posting. I have found this video in a blog . It is even better - well, different, too- than YouTube because you can choose the language for the subtitles. Yes, believe your eyes: you can choose the language for the subtitles!!!! New: I am very proud to say there is a comment in this post written by Gavin Dudeney who wrote How to teach English with Technology". Thank you, Gavin!

Voicethread - A web2.0 tool for educators

Nik Peachey suggested this site which is really interesting to explore. Well, he has not only suggested the site but also described it in details and written tutorials! Click on the slide above. Look at a lovely story some students have written.