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Nelba in an Edu Nation III session

I will write about my second experience in SL ... here is a picture of me at Gavin's session in Edu Nation III on Dec 2nd.

Well, that Saturday SL experience was an adventure. I will tell you why: As I have told you I cannot enter SL from my PC because it does not have enough memory and the graphics card is not good :( So I had to go to a cybercafe. I entered SL from a cybercafe near my house twice without any problems. In one opportunity I had a wonderful chat with Vance and Gavin... Well, I had dinner early that Saturday because the session was at 13hs. and went to the cybercafe... but it was closed!!! First problem, so I took my car and drove to another cybercafe ten blocks from my house. Second problem: the Internet connection was down!!! I drove to town center and went to the best and biggest cybercafe, but to my suprise it also had problems with the Internet connection !!! oh , my God. I went on driving looking for cybercafes but no luck. Finally I found one on the other end of the city but it was 13:45... I arrived at EduNation session when everybody was saying goodbye :( I only could say hello to Moira, Rita, Gavin... met an English man who was touring South America...I was so, so disappointed... I was looking foward to Gavin's session ... I took a deep breath and decided to explore SL on my own... so I went to Buzios- a Brazilian beach- where I changed my clothes, practised my Portuguese, danced and flew around.

I hope I will be luckier next time ;)


Vance Stevens said…
Ok, I finally posted a comment in your blog! Still waiting for your SL writeup though. Meanwhile, I added a writingmatrix tag at . Check it out - Vance
Gavin Dudeney said…

Sorry for all the problems - though I have to admit I did smile a little thinking of you driving like a maniac through the streets trying to find a cafe where you could use SL... Anyway, next time you'll have more luck - for sure.

XENA said…
Well, don`t be so, so disappointed :-) A negetive experience is sometimes even more useful then a positive one :-)
But I sympathize with you, anyway.
You know, I`m in somehow the same situation - I have problems with i-net connection regularly, and in most cases when I need i-net badly, for a chat session or for my studies) And of course a good-working i-net connection is nowhere to be found in such cases!
Joao Alves said…
What an adventure, Nelba. I could feel your disappointment in your description. Are Internet connections bad in Argentina? I hope you are more lucky next time.

Dear cyberfriends, thank you for your comments. I laughed at Gavin's words "thinking of you driving like a maniac through the streets trying to find a cafe where you could use SL" .He could not have described me better hahaha No, Joao, it was a very strange day... there are no Internet connections problems here in Argentina, well, at least in my city... but technology is a mystery.
Don´t worry Nelba the last time I was in SL I was ejected from the session!!!
They thought I was a "Griefer"!!!
I was flying in an open space
Hope to join you in the next session

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