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My Experience presenting WM at USAL on line Workshops

From May 5th to 9th, the University of El Salvador (Argentina) held online Wokshops in Spanish on different topics related to EAD ( Distance Education).

I presented Writing Matrix Project in Spanish on May 7th...

and received some very good comments:

Hola al grupo! Hola Nelba:
Leí tu presentación. Me pareció interesantísima y narrada además con mucho entusiasmo.Cuando concluya el evento visitaré sitios sugeridos por vos y haré una nueva lectura con tranquilidad.(Al menos es lo que deseo!) Reitero: el proyecto de ustedes es genial! ...Quedamos en diálogo.Un saludo afectuoso.Graciela Lima Silvain. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Argentina.

Nelba, he "disfrutado" de tu ponencia y accedido al blog. Es realmente una experiencia destacada desde el planteo pedagógico y disciplinar, el grado de interacción con los alumnos... impresionante!!! Un ejemplo en la utilización de todos los recursos de la "red social", gracias por compartirlo... !!!!
Un cordial saludo desde Mendoza, Marcela

Nelba (soy uno de los coordinadores de este foro), y me pareció sumamente interesante tu intervención ya que relata una experiencia muy clara y concreta sobre la aplicación de herramientas de la Web 2.0 en la educación, y evalúa resultados.

La explicación de las etiquetas me interesó mayormente. En la introducción de su ponencia, María Alonso Naveiro y Antonio Torralba Burrial, entre varias características que definen Internet, hablan de "el mayor reservorio de información que existe", así que necesariamente tenemos que preocuparnos por las búsquedas: cómo buscar y cómo ser buscados en este mundo, cómo no perdernos en el laberinto. Lic. Julián Martínez Vázquez

There were participants from Argentina, Spain, Mexico, Venezuela and some other countries. It was carried out in the platform of the University. It worked fantastically and the moderators were really good.

There were very good articles, but what called my attention was how wary Argentinian participants are towards Web 2.0. In general, they are a reluctant to completely on line courses and prefer blended ones because they think that face to face contact is really necessary for a successful learning process. They neither like the idea of using Second Life.

In a way, I felt "different". As a Webhead, I am always exploring new tools to adapt my teaching to the technological advances, but Argentinians seem to distrust ICTs. They do not refuse them, but do not accept them either.


stella said…
A pity I didn't know about the event!! I agree with you that in general teachers in Argentina are a bit reluctant and they don't accept New Technologies. Perhaps because they don't know enough, they are not interested, they don't have enough time to train, among other reasons.
It's a pity because they're missing a lot of things!
Stella ;)
(sorry but I'm not suere if the previous post has been published)

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